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USAPEEC trade team's efforts show results

April 24, 2023

Of the many services offered by USAPEEC to its members, one of the most important is the assistance provided by the council’s trade team in resolving critical trade-related issues.

In March, alone, USAPEEC helped resolve problems that members encountered when trying to obtain certification or clear shipments at foreign ports for two dozen containers of chicken and turkey products. These products were valued at nearly $1 million and were headed to key markets around the world including China, Vietnam, the UAE, and the DRC.

These efforts, and the successful outcomes, are not uncommon and underscore the value of USAPEEC’s trade services’ work.

Members who need to keep apprised of pressing trade issues worldwide and who want to receive more timely and even more in-depth intelligence on issues that affect trade should consider joining the USAPEEC Trade Policy Task Force.

TPTF members are notified immediately of important trade news affecting poultry and egg exports and are invited to participate in members-only programs at USAPEEC’s Annual Meeting and Winter Meeting to hear updates directly from USDA participants. Any member interested in joining the TPTF is invited to contact Ben Morris of the USAPEEC Trade Team,